Perry, NY Reviews

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United States / New York / No Metro Area / Wyoming County / Perry / Zip Codes
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What BestPlaces Users Say about Perry

Perry, New York is a small town located in Wyoming County. It has a population of around 4,000 people and is known for its rural and quiet atmosphere. It is also home to Letchworth State Park, known as the "Grand Canyon of the East." Many people choose to live in Perry for its small-town charm and scenic surroundings.

According to multiple user reviews from, living in Perry, New York has its pros and cons. Some people enjoy the peaceful and friendly community, while others find it too isolated and lacking in amenities. Overall, the general consensus is that it is a great place to raise a family and enjoy a slower pace of life.

One user, named Rachel, praises the town's atmosphere stating, "Perry is a great place to live if you enjoy small-town living. The people are friendly and there is a strong sense of community here." Another user, John, shares a similar sentiment, "I love living in Perry. The natural beauty of the area is unmatched and the community is very close-knit."

However, not all reviews are positive. A user named Emily expresses her frustrations with the lack of activities and job opportunities in Perry, stating, "While it is a beautiful place, there is not much to do here. I struggle to find employment and have to travel to surrounding towns for entertainment." Another user, Mark, also mentions the limited options in Perry, "There are not many restaurants or stores here, so you have to travel a bit for shopping and dining options."

Overall, living in Perry, New York seems to be a matter of personal preference. Those who enjoy a quiet and close-knit community with access to natural beauty will likely find it to be a great place to call home. However, those seeking a more bustling and diverse environment may find it too isolated.

 based on 0 Reviews
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